Monday, March 16, 2009
Hour 60 Level (3am)
Was 0.13, so almost there! They are drawing another level at 9 and hopefully we'll be out of here by 10 or 11 we'll have to wait and see. But we are both very anxious to go because it is supposed to be a gorgeous day! Plus I have so much to do at home to get Donavynn's room back in order! lol His room is off of the bathroom so it too has been out of commission during this whole remodel but we are finally at a place where we can give him his room back. I can't wait! So I'll update again soon.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Hour 48 Level
Is only 0.67, it should be below 0.4 by now so they upped his IV fluids to 150 ml/hr. Next draw is at 3:30 in the morning, lets hope the increase in fluids over the next 12 hours and the dose of leucovorin at 9 will do it's job and we can be out of here upon waking in the morning. Otherwise we'll have to wait for the hour 72 draw at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. He is eating some chips and had an oreo cookie, now he's just hanging out watching some TV. I think we are just beyond bored at this point. Ok well I'll keep you posted.
Hour 42 Level
This morning at hour 42 his level was 0.76, they just drew his hour 48 level. And we should have that in the next hour or so. Donavynn and I had a very fun day today! We have always wanted to check out the playground here but never thought that we really could, because he is usually hooked up to an IV or he's in for a fever etc. Today it looked pretty nice out and so I thought it would be good to get him outside for a little while, even if it was just to sit on the bench for a few minutes. Well he got bored with car watching so I told him we would go check out the playground but I wasn't sure if he'd be able to do anything because of his IV pump. We must have looked crazy walking over there with an IV pole, but I didn't care, we were on a mission for fun! And we found it. Most all the toys on the play ground were IV pole accessible. Here are some pictures of our fun! Upon entering the park there is a giant piano that is part of the side walk, and I thought it was just decoration, turns out there are sensors so when you walk on it it plays the keys! Donavynn loved that and spent a good amount of time on that. After about an hour outside we went to lunch and he actually ate 1/2 of a grilled cheese sandwich and 1/2 a bag of chips. So all around it has been a great day, we are just praying for a miracle at this point and hoping he clears tonight, however, he has never cleared in 48 hours so we are pretty sure we'll just be heading home in the morning instead. But this stay of all of them seems to have been the easiest, perhaps because I'm on spring break and don't have so much else on my mind. Or perhaps because we have had so many fun visitors, Abbey and Meghan, 2 of my friends from school came up Friday, and Abbey and Tim and his family came up yesterday so we haven't been lonely. That accompanied with Skype and being able to see and talk to family and friends has made things easier. Gonna go get some dinner, will update when I have his new level.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Hour 24 Level
Ok so we are here. Got here yesterday and the floor was packed. So we are back in the bone marrow unit, Donavynn likes it because the room is huge. He has had many visitors during this trip, last night Meghan and Abbey came up and today Dave's friend Tim came up with his wife and son. Donavynn was happy to see them. He has spent much of today sleeping, he usually doesn't eat when we are here which usually means he won't clear as fast as the medicine clears via the kidneys and the bowels. So we were thinking that if we gave him the other antiemetic he might be able to eat, the only downside is that they give Benadryl with the Reglan, and that knocked him out and has kept him that way for most of the day. So he finished his methotrexate at around 3:30 and his level was 50.4. Lower than it started out last time, but still higher than it used to be before. So I'm hoping that it will clear quickly and we will be home Monday. That is about all for now. For any family out there, we downloaded Skype so that we can video conference with people, especially when we are in the hospital, if you would like to be added email me and I'll let you know my screen name. It has helped Donavynn alot to be able to see people while he is up here because he misses everyone terribly.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
All has been well here, I apologize for the lack of updates. Things have been so busy here with my school schedule on top of everything else. Donavynn spent a couple nights in the hospital this week as the result of a fever but it turned out to be nothing and we were home Thursday night. Yesterday we got a few inches of snow, the most we've had I think since we've been here. And thanks to that Donavynn got to play in the snow for the 1st time. He was so young when we lived in NY, and usually it was just bitter cold, not much snow. Then he got sick and since we moved out here we have had more ice than snow. He loved it. He is now enjoying a nice warm cup of hot chocolate.
We had to get his counts checked today to see if he can be admitted for his Methotrexate stay tomorrow. So we should know about that later. That is pretty much all that has been going on. I'll update again when there is more to tell.
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