I realize that it has been a loooooong time since I posted. I did add the facebook info b/c for awhile I was posting there more often as it was easier to do. Donavynn has been doing well, and our family has been extremely busy. We welcomed our new addition Elyzabeth Ivy on April 6th at 5:11pm. Donavynn and Cheyenne are so happy to have a baby sister! The pregnancy along w/ Donavynn's treatment and my work schedule (I finished school back in December and passed the boards so I'm officially an RN,BSN.) has kept us very busy, especially at the end when I ended up in the hospital for a week w/ pancreatitis at 37 weeks.
Donavynn is now in the maintenance phase of treatment and if all goes according to plan this time - he should finish treatment in November. I am trying to come up w/ ideas for his end of treatment party. So far, I got nothing lol. But we have time. In the beginning of this phase he was getting fevers a lot and we were spending a lot of time in the hospital. After doing some research and talking to other families we asked for them to check his IgG levels. (Immunoglobulin - helps the immune system fight off infection) And come to find out they were incredibly low - so problem solved, he now gets monthly IVIG infusions and has been back to his old self. His ANC has also been up where we like it which has helped a great deal - this not only helps prevent infection but allows him to get his full chemo doses which of course we prefer b/c we want that damn leukemia gone for good! For awhile he wasn't able to go to preschool b/c his counts were so low, it was at that time that I contacted the local public school about a tutor for him, no sooner did he get his tutor his counts recovered so thankfully he has been able to attend school and have a tutor 2-3 nights a week so he is finally catching up with where he should be. We were hoping that he would be caught up enough to start first grade next year but at this time we aren't sure if that will be possible, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. That's about all for now. I will try to post more often if time allows.