This is Donavynn the bandit! lol He and Cheyenne were playing earlier. I thought it was far to cute not to get a picture of.
Well it seems that spring has finally arrived here. And it is about time. Usually we are mowing the yard in February but this year it has just been nasty. So we all got to get out into the fresh air yesterday and get some yard work done. Donavynn was working hard helping daddy. I just love that he is so enthusiastic about helping. We are enjoying it while it lasts. But Donavynn was thrilled to help clean stuff out because we are trying to get rid of some of the old landscaping things and redo what we can when we can. So it will be a slow process but Donavynn seems happy to help along the way. I think he was just happy to be out of the house. That is really all that is going on for now. It has been pretty uneventful here - which is how we like it! School is going good for me, and the semester ends in less than a month now so I am excited! I got an 86% on my last pharmacology test - what she said was supposed to be the hardest test of the semester so that made my day. So far I am maintaining straight A's! Lets hope they hold!
Donavynn finishes school the same week I do. I think he is going to be sad when he doesn't have that to look forward to every week. But he'll be going 5 days a week next year. He learned so much just from 2 days a week I can't imagine how much he will learn being there everyday! His growing mind is just amazing! Everyday he says something new. He has still being singing Kumbya, that seems to be his favorite song.
Right now he is occupying himself on the floor with his cars. I love listening to him play. He talks to himself and comes up with the cutest little stories for his toys. What is even better than that is watching him play with Daddy. They are just too cute together. And Donavynn's face just lights up when Daddy comes to play. Well I better get going - there are things to be done. Hope that the weekend is going well for everyone.
1 comment:
This is such a cute picture and I am glad to hear that things are going so well. I just got this computer back up and running because I was too sick until now to get things done so I am going to try and look into the board now. Keep Smiling!
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