I'm going to try to make this brief as I still have a lot to get done before tomorrow. We had Donavynn's counts checked today and his ANC is 1000! Yeah! I'm so very happy because Cheyenne, Dave and I have all been sick and he has only come down with a cough so we got so lucky this time. His platelets are 344 so he is good to go for the next round of treatment. Which is good. Of course I'm not looking forward to it, I much preferred when all of his treatments were outpatient, but at least he feels well during this treatment. Please pray that he doesn't get any mouth sores this time either. I hate for him to have to endure any more than he already does. As you can see from the picture above New Years was great. He had a ball! And has been so happy because he got to spend some time with friends. It is cold now, but the last two days have been beautiful so we've gotten to get some good quality time outside. We even went to the park the other day with Aden.
We also have a new addition to the family. I decided that I wanted a dog of my own, because Jake and Penny are the kids dogs. But I didn't really want a puppy because we just don't have that kind of time. And I wanted something small because we don't have room for a big dog. And I wanted a dog who was good with other animals and kids. So I started looking and found this perfect Chihuahua - Cocoa. He is 1 1/2 years old and the most mellow dog! He has been the perfect addition to the family. I think that he will fit in perfectly even with all we have going on. It helps the kids too to have pets. Some people think I'm nuts with all we have going on, but inspite of all of that we still have lots of time to spend with the animals and they are our therapy. We cuddle with them and play with them, and when we are sad they are there. And the nice thing is that when Donavynn ends up in the hospital, if Dave goes with me as well my mom keeps the dogs so they don't have to be boarded. They get to stay with family and they love it over there where they are just as spoiled as they are at home! lol We took Cocoa over tonight to see how he would do while we had dinner and he fit right in. I was amazed, he just made himself at home. So it seems that he adjusts just as well as Penny and Jake. They just love everyone and are happy no matter where they are. So that was the highlight of our week. Donavynn has been loving on him so much. I better get going. Hope all is well with everyone. Please keep sending up prayers that all goes well and remember to keep an eye on the blogspot if you wish to be updated after tonight
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