Friday, February 13, 2009
Levels from Hours 60 & 72 and the plan
So here we still are, at hour 60 his level was 0.20, at hour 72 it was only 0.14. Because of that they were going to make us wait until it was below 0.08 instead of the normal 0.1 however they decided that we can go home if he makes it to 0.1 if it is just that then he will have to go home on some oral leucovorin, if he is below then he won't need it. But we are stuck here another night unfortunately. Thankfully he doesn't seem too bummed about it. We are in the play room now, I built him a house out of mega blocks and he is playing with it now and all the little figurines they have here. A donkey, two teenage mutant ninja turtles and a guy who looks like he's from star wars lives in the house! lol He said the star wars guy is the prince and it is his castle. That is all the news for now, I'm bummed and tired and we sit here and wait. Oh and last night he got to go to Pet Pals and this morning while I was taking my test he got to go to a Valentines day party. So he is having a ton of fun! Hope all is going well with everyone. Will update again when there is more to tell.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hour 48 Level
0.49, so we'll be here till tomorrow, no luck at going home tonight. But it is still coming down and is normal so we are happy. We have had a super fun day. Even jammed out some more in our room. That is about all for now, just wanted to let you know about the latest level.
New Level Hour 42 (I think)
Ok so my theory was that his level was so high last night because they had to bump it up to 200ml/hr for the last few hours of the infusion so that he would finish it in the prescribed 24 hours, after the infusion is complete they draw the first level which as I mentioned was 98.35. So because he was getting it so fast at the end I think his body just couldn't keep up. And it looks like maybe my theory was right because his level this morning at 10:30 was 0.63!!! We have to be < 0.1
In other news, his next level will be drawn at 4:30 (hr 48) so we'll see how it is then. But pooing helps clear it and apple juice has always been a natural laxative for him so he has had alot of that going on today! lol I'm hoping that with all that bowel activity that maybe, just maybe he could clear tonight. Either way, I'm just happy that it dropped so much! I was worrying last night because with his level being that high that puts him at an increased risk for mouth sores. I gotta go for now, I'll post more after we get his next level. So all in all today has been a much better day!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
We're Here, Methotrexate Level After Completing Infusion
Nap Time
1st Night working on Mosaic
We arrived yesterday and have had a decent stay so far. Donavynn has been a little more fatigued than usual this time. But he has had fun playing and building his Cars Mosaic clay picture with me. We are hoping to go home Friday but at this time are unsure because the level they drew immediately after completing his infusion was a whopping 98.35 which is higher than it has ever been. They said it is ok, that they aren't concerned unless it was over 150 but I don't like it being that high. And since it is that high we have no idea of how fast he will clear it. The goal is for Friday and the next level won't be drawn until tomorrow morning at 10:30. They said that this is common and that they usually come down pretty quick but that isn't helping to ease my mind at the moment. He won't eat anything, and it has been like pulling teeth to get him to drink. His potassium was a little low tonight so they gave him some of that but we couldn't get him to drink it all. They'll recheck his BNP tomorrow as well so hopefully his potassium will be back in the normal range. My friends from school came for a visit tonight, Abbey and Meghan. Abbey made some awesome chili and corn bread for dinner. It was so nice to have some company and something other than hospital food. Thanks girls!
I'll post again when I have more news.
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