Thursday, February 12, 2009

New Level Hour 42 (I think)

Ok so my theory was that his level was so high last night because they had to bump it up to 200ml/hr for the last few hours of the infusion so that he would finish it in the prescribed 24 hours, after the infusion is complete they draw the first level which as I mentioned was 98.35.  So because he was getting it so fast at the end I think his body just couldn't keep up.  And it looks like maybe my theory was right because his level this morning at 10:30 was 0.63!!!  We have to be < 0.1
In other news, his next level will be drawn at 4:30 (hr 48) so we'll see how it is then.  But pooing helps clear it and apple juice has always been a natural laxative for him so he has had alot of that going on today! lol  I'm hoping that with all that bowel activity that maybe, just maybe he could clear tonight.  Either way, I'm just happy that it dropped so much!  I was worrying last night because with his level being that high that puts him at an increased risk for mouth sores.  I gotta go for now, I'll post more after we get his next level.  So all in all today has been a much better day!

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