I can't believe how fast December is slipping away, how fast the year has slipped away. Though I can't say that I'm sorry to see it go. It hasn't been a great one, something with even numbered years... I'll be more than happy to ring in 2009! With many hopes that things will be better and that Donavynn will stay healthy.
Cheyenne's dad was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma this past week and so we are sending up prayers for him as well. It's going to be a tough battle but he's strong and we have faith that he can do it!
Donavynn has his first LP since induction yesterday. We were expecting an awful ice storm in the morning so to be safe Donavynn and I went to the city and originally wanted to stay at Ronald McDonald house, however they have an 8 o'clock check in and we wouldn't make it so the social worker told me that the local hotels give a discount to families and so we got a hotel room across from the hospital the night before. But as our luck goes, the storm didn't hit till last night when we were leaving the hospital! lol But either way, Donavynn and I had a great night. Through all of the hardships there is a good thing in all of this, well there are many good things but the one is that Donavynn and I get to spend lots of quality time together, being silly and having fun. He didn't want to leave the hotel, he said "I don't wanna go to the hospital, I wanna stay in this bed, in my pajamas all day!" lol And you would think a 4 year old would be bored out of their mind in a hotel room, but not him, he played hide and seek, played the window sill like a piano, danced in front of the TV, pretended the one pillow was a log etc. He was having a ball! Here are some pictures of our fun stay!

On another note, school is over for the semester, I go back on January 13th. And I got a 3.81 GPA for the semester so as Rachael would say "Hooty Who!" I made Dean's List again!!! And that is about all for our family news. At least all I can think of right now when I'm half asleep. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and I'll update again when I find out where we'll be spending our holiday. Hope you enjoyed the pics!
1 comment:
Sending our prayers for Cheyenne's Dad, and for Cheyenne as well. This must be an awful lot for such a beautiful little girl to endure. Love the pictures!!!
((((((BIG HUGS)))))) from IOwa!
~Nickey ASher
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