First let me say Merry Christmas to everyone! It was a wonderful day, I couldn't have asked for more. 3 months ago I never would have been able to picture a Christmas so full of joy, but it went way beyond our expectations. After presents were opened my parents came over with Derek and we opened more presents, then the kids spent the day playing with their many cool toys! We got some great gifts from our Cancer Warriors Christmas Angels. And we were so blessed to have another angel helping our family this year. My 2nd semester clinical instructor sent some gifts for the kids as well and helped to brighten their day as well. I haven't seen a house so crazy with play since I was a kid at Christmas. I think that might be because the older Donavynn gets the more he gets out of Christmas and the more he gets out of his gifts. This was the first year that her really got it, we thought he got it last year but it was no where close to the magic we saw this year. Donavynn started out in his own bed last night, but I woke up when Dave got home from work and found that he had snuck in with me! lol He closed his eyes real quick and wouldn't talk to me right away, afraid I would send him off to his own bed. In the morning Cheyenne asked him if he had seen Santa and he said yes then quickly clammed up and covered his mouth like he wasn't supposed to tell! lol It was so cute!
Ok so let me tell you about our Christmas Eve. We went to Nana and Grumpy's for dinner and then headed home to finish up for the night. After we got home I got the kids all ready for bed and then we baked cookies for Santa.

Then we settled in to read 'Twas The Night Before Christmas and we finished up the night by watching Frosty The Snowman. Then it was off to bed! These little traditions are what we treasure and hold so dear. Donavynn was awake at 6:30 this morning and so that meant that so was the rest of the house! lol He was so excited and this was the first year that he didn't need to stop and finish opening presents later in the day! He got Monster Truck Jam for his DS, which is the only thing he really wanted for Christmas and when he opened it up he said "Monster truck...." then his face lit up and he said "GAME!" He was so upset last weekend when we had the early Christmas shopping trip from Williams-Woody Nissan and the only thing he really wanted us to get him was that game and we didn't get it! So it was nice to see his face light up when he saw that. Cheyenne got her much desired laptop from her Grandmother in Georgia. She has been bugging for one and her Grandmother thought it was time since she is needing it more now for school. And the only nice thing about Vista is the v-chip! lol She also got a new comforter and sheet set for her bed as well as lots of clothes and her very first curling iron, which is a little scary! lol Dave also found that Monster Truck Jam is having a marathon on all day so that is what has been on our tv all day and Donavynn has been loving it! So overall it was a great day and we were so happy to be able to spend it at home. And we are so happy that Donavynn is doing so well and staying so strong through all of this! We are so truly blessed to have the wonderful people in our lives that we do and for his strength throughout the storm!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!! I hope yours was as happy as ours!!!
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