Sunday, February 17, 2008

Family Update

Donavynn seems to be back to his old self. His appetite has picked up thankfully, the whole week he was on the Rocefin he didn't eat much at all. Currently he is the healthiest one in the family! The rest of us are fighting off some sort of a stomach bug, and Daddy is having some flu like symptoms - we are hoping that it isn't the flu! And likely it isn't... because we've all experienced similar symptoms recently and it turned out to be something else. Donavynn is happy that he will be able to go back to school this week. He was so sad that he had to miss his Valentine's Day Party. :(

I deaccessed him Thursday night, Daddy came home from work for a few minutes to hold his hand because it really hurts him to take the tape off. But after we got the tape off it went very smoothly. I'm glad that I was able to do it for him, that I was able to give him the IV meds and deaccess him and save him from having strangers messing with him even more. He is truly amazing! His bravery and strength is an inspiration to us all.

Some added info on why I created the blogspot - I can't be certain because I didn't try it but I am hoping that if there are any future hospital stays that I can still access this site to give updates and there won't be the problems that we had w/ myspace during this last stay. So you may want to bookmark this page if you like to keep updated on Donavynn and his progress. Because if there are any further stays in the hospital I'll probably only have time to post a bulletin before heading out the door and from then on you'll have to check here. If God forbid I can't access this site either, I'll still have to have my mother post the updates for me but hopefully this site will resolve that problem. :)

I guess that is all for now! Post again soon!

1 comment:

Jenni Renee said...

I am praying for you guys alot! I really hope that you all get over what ever it is you are fighting! I am happy to hear that Donavynn is doing better and I want to welcome you to the blogspot world. lol. I have had one for awhile now and it is actually easier because most hospitals allow the site and you dont get all the myspace drama. (YAY! lol). Well I hope this works out for you and you do get even a little bit of spare time. Thanks for the prayers.

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