Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Surgery Tomorrow

Just wanted to let everyone know that Donavynn got the go ahead for his tube placement tomorrow. We have to be at the hospital at 8am, so please keep Donavynn in your prayers that everything goes well and the surgery goes smoothly and is free of complications. Please also say a prayer as well that he stays free of infections because any surgery increases the risk of infection. I know it is routine, but I still worry. He had his counts checked yesterday and his ANC is 1000 so they cleared him to go in. They will check them again next week to see if he can be put back on his chemo's. I'm praying that his counts will stay up where they should be and that we are almost through the rollercoaster we have been on. As most of you may know Maintenance is supposed to be the easy phase of treatment and hospital stays are supposed to be rare to never but Donavynn has had a rough year this year. So we are just praying that hopefully he will stay healthy now and will be able to stay on his chemo's. Ok well it has been a long day and we have to be up early so I'll end for now. I'll post again tomorrow when we get home.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Sweetest Thing

Last night Dave got home and was relaxing before heading to bed when around 1am Donavynn comes flying out of the room saying "Come on Daddy, we gotta go get Cheyenne!" He is so excited that his sissy is coming home today! I think this seperation is getting harder on him than it was before. I just thought that that was the sweetest thing - to see that he misses his sissy so much that he couldn't even sleep. I am going to try to get video and pics of the reunion and will post them asap. It should be a great day! Can't wait to see my girl!

Just thought I would share that, it made me so happy.

Monday, August 11, 2008

One Step Forward And 2 Steps Back...

Donavynn had clinic today and for some reason I thought it was an LP month, apparently I was mistaken and that is actually next month. So we hung around to wait for his counts to come back and unfortunatly he won't be going back up to the 100% dose of his chemo's he is being taken off of them for the next 2 weeks. And is being taken off of Bactrim all together and being switched to Pentamadine once monthly as soon as his counts recover. I don't think the Bactrim has anything to do with his ANC being 500, actually I think he probably has another virus. His counts are doing the same thing that they did in June and his appetite has been poor with the moodiness that I mentioned the other day - these are all usually symptoms of him coming down with something. But because his ANC has been low so many times througout maintanance this is apparently protocol to switch to the Pentamadine. So we have to go next Wednesday to have his counts checked again because if they are still low we will once again have to reschedule having his tubes put in. Which is fine, I understand and agree but it is so frustrating because they take so long to reschedule the surgery that by the time it rolls around he is sick again. And to top it off his one ear is already getting red again. Sometimes I just feel so helpless in all of this. Hopefully this weeks steroids will bring up his counts enough so that he can still go through with the surgery and his ear will not get infected. The only good thing is that there is no fluid behind the drum so that is a good sign. That is about all of the updates for the day. So please pray that his counts come back up and he doesn't get an infection because they are down.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Figured I'd update while I have the time

I thought that I would blog while I had a minute, becasue after this week free minutes will be few and far between. I still have so much to do for the benefit, Donavynn has clinic on Monday then his surgery for his tubes on the 21st, Cheyenne comes home this month and she too has 2 doctors appts scheduled, we all go back to school etc. Things are just going to be a whirlwind! But I'm looking forward to most of it. Donavynn is doing good. No major complaints, he's had some mood swings the last couple of days making we wonder if he might be coming down with something, that is usually the only time that he gets real ornary. Let's hope not! I'm a nervous wreck about his surgery, I know it is something they do all the time and it doesn't take that long but it is still anesthisia and that is nerve racking! I am trying to relax.

Tonight he went to bed early, I have been letting him stay up late but I figured that I should start getting him back on a school time schedule and I'm going out of my mind because it is way too quiet!!! lol I love our evenings together, he is my little buddy, he helps me when I clean and cuddles with me when we watch tv and talks to me about anything and everything. Most parents love the quiet time, I'm going out of my mind! Does that make me odd? lol I'm so tempted to go wake him up! lol

Well I guess that is all for now, gotta get the housework done, try to distract myself before I go wake him up! lol

Hope this finds everyone well.
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