Sunday, August 3, 2008

Figured I'd update while I have the time

I thought that I would blog while I had a minute, becasue after this week free minutes will be few and far between. I still have so much to do for the benefit, Donavynn has clinic on Monday then his surgery for his tubes on the 21st, Cheyenne comes home this month and she too has 2 doctors appts scheduled, we all go back to school etc. Things are just going to be a whirlwind! But I'm looking forward to most of it. Donavynn is doing good. No major complaints, he's had some mood swings the last couple of days making we wonder if he might be coming down with something, that is usually the only time that he gets real ornary. Let's hope not! I'm a nervous wreck about his surgery, I know it is something they do all the time and it doesn't take that long but it is still anesthisia and that is nerve racking! I am trying to relax.

Tonight he went to bed early, I have been letting him stay up late but I figured that I should start getting him back on a school time schedule and I'm going out of my mind because it is way too quiet!!! lol I love our evenings together, he is my little buddy, he helps me when I clean and cuddles with me when we watch tv and talks to me about anything and everything. Most parents love the quiet time, I'm going out of my mind! Does that make me odd? lol I'm so tempted to go wake him up! lol

Well I guess that is all for now, gotta get the housework done, try to distract myself before I go wake him up! lol

Hope this finds everyone well.

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