Friday, July 10, 2009

My Child is Brilliant!!!

Ok so Dr. Shore asked why I have a giant NO COLACE sign on his wipeoff board. Well it's because he doesn't need a stool softener that has never been an issue. The chemo never stops him up if anything it has the complete opposite affect. And I have always thought that it is so sad that he knows the name of his meds and what they look like. That he can call them by name. But this morning while I was in the shower the nurse brought in colace. Thankfully he told her he doesn't take a red pill! lol So I think she left to get it in another form and he called me and said "Mommy, she's making me take a red pill" so I told him I'd be right out and if she came back to tell her that I said he doesn't need that. Now he is always so polite and cooperative but if he knows he isn't supposed to have it, he isn't so nice apparently. She came back in and I heard him. "I DON'T NEED THAT!" Then he screamed for me! lol I am so proud of my little man for speaking up for himself. If more patients were as aware and would question things, there would probably be alot less errors. As we are only human and humans make mistakes but we need to trust ourselves that as the pt we know more about ourselves than others. I have no problem when a pt has asked me... "what's that for?" "I don't usually take this" Then I can put them at ease by explaining why &/or look again and make sure there wasn't an error b/c often time doctors order things in the hospital that the pts don't take at home. Ok, off the soap box, just thought I would share my little moment that my son showed me once again how amazingly smart he is!!! Off to play in the playroom now!

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