The vascular team came and was able to get an IV in, and get blood for labs, so that was good. We also just got back from interventional radiology and the doctor spoke to me down there. I love that, I was able to stay in the room and he explained everything to me as he did it. The first problem was that it wasn't accessed, the huber needle that they put in last night apparently wasn't long enough so they had to take that out and put in a new one. Then he showed me the catheter, it is supposed to be straight, but the end of his is curled, so it is in a bad spot. The problem with that is that in order to give chemo through it safely they need to be able to get blood return, that is the easiest way that they can be sure that it is in right. So they are going to have to fix it. The options are a whole new port, or they go in from underneath and try to straighten the catheter. That is what the radiologist wants to do. He is going to talk to Dr. Shore and we'll go from there. They may have time to do it this afternoon, but I don't know if Dr. Shore is going to want to do that or not because his counts are so low and he has been running a fever. At this point everything is really up in the air. He is resting now. I'll update again later.
Specific Prayer Requests:
Are the same as last night with a few additions...
- Please pray that they are able to make the best decision about what to do about his port.
- Please pray that if they decide to operate all goes smoothly with NO complications.
- And please pray that they find out what is going on soon and fix it!!!
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