Friday, October 31, 2008

Quick Update - Back in the Hospital

This will be a quick update, and I'll give more tomorrow when we have more news. His port never started working today so we were supposed to come back up Monday, they left the TPA in hoping that would help. We got just about home and he started vomiting. I thought it was from the fact that the only thing he had all day was orange juice but as soon as we got home we noticed he had a fever - 103. So off to our local hospital we went. We just got up to Mercy about an hour or so ago. They still can't get his port to work so they are ordering a dye study for tomorrow. For now they are using the IV that the local hospital put in. He has been vomiting on and off all night, but seems to be ok for the moment. I also noticed at the hospital that he has a small pressure ulcer on his bottom, just a touch larger than a pencil point. I can't believe I didn't notice that sooner. But the doctor doesn't' think it has been there long, so the wound care team will be up tomorrow and we'll go from there. His diarrhea has also gotten worse, back to the watery consistency so they did another C-diff test to see if the Flagyl is actually working or not. With the diarrhea not letting up it is going to be so hard to heal that sore. I am starting to freak out. There is way to much going on right now, and I'm terrified. Thankfully Dave is off for the next 4 days, so he'll be joining us up here tomorrow. That will help me, at least then I'll be able to get away from the room every now and then. So I think that is all for now, I'll post again as soon as I know more and have time. If any of my MySpace friends are reading this please feel free to repost on MySpace since I can't. We need the prayers.

Specific Prayer Requests:
  1. Please pray that the sore on his bottom heals quickly and doesn't get any worse or cause any other problems.
  2. That the diarrhea will stop soon, and they will find the cause and solution in order to make that happen.
  3. That his cultures are negative and that the only issue is the diarrhea and wound.
  4. That he will start feeling better, and be back to himself soon.
  5. That his counts will come up so that his body can help the antibiotics fight off whatever is going on, and prevent any further issues.
  6. That his port will start working again, and he won't need a new one.
  7. That the doctors receive the guidance they need to get to the root of this once and for all so he can start to heal.
  8. That I can get the strength that I need right now, I'm feeling really beaten down.
  9. That Cheyenne will not suffer too much from all that she is having to endure with us. She has the love and support she needs, but this battle isn't easy on any of us.
  10. And that Dave has what he needs to help himself, and us get through this.
I think that is all for now. On another note, we noticed today as well, that his hair is starting to fall out. :( But he told me we can't shave it, that he just wants it to come out on its own.

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