Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Some news and more of the unknown...

So his stools picked up again yesterday to around 7 or 8, which had me a little boggled until this morning. The one nurse practitioner was just in and said that his virus panel came back and he has an enterovirus as well. So the stools are from the C-diff and the virus. Honestly, he can't get a freaking break! So that will just have to run it's course. She said she is going to talk to the team, but they are pretty sure they are going to D/C all the other antibiotics (except the Flagyl) because he has been fever free (48 hrs now!) and every blood culture has been negative. They are still going to have the wound care team come up this morning. Last night I called in the resident because his bottom is still really red, and it is spreading even though he has been laying on his sides, I told him I thought it was a yeast, which he has problems with when he gets diarrhea and it is, but they still want the wound care team to take a look to make sure they are doing all that they can to help him. She is also ordering some kind of "bath" for his bottom. It is supposed to soothe it, can't remember what she called it. He went down for his repeat chest x-ray this morning and provided that shows them the same thing the bipap machine has been then he will be done with the breathing treatments because he has had really good volumes. Now I just have to keep him using the pinwheel while he is bed. They are also taking him off of the monitors, which is good.

I am to push fluids and try to get him to eat, he ate 2 mini muffins this morning and hopefully he'll eat some more. He had a few sips of water, then I remembered that they used to have sippy cups up here and thought that maybe that might help him drink if he can have it in the bed with him. What do you know, they got him one and he has drank 6 oz of Gatorade in about 20 minutes, when over the entire day yesterday he only had about 2 oz, and that is probably being generous.

Now for the unknown, still no time line for discharge. They want to see a decrease in stools and they want him to be eating and drinking better. So we are pretty sure that by now the Flagyl is working and the extra diarrhea is from the virus. He should still have some from the C-diff but not this much by now. That is about all for now. I'll post again after the doctors round.

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