Donavynn has been the anti-Donavynn for awhile now, being difficult about things, things that are easy for him to be defiant with and don't require to much energy because the majority of his time is spent sleeping. But when an opportunity presents itself he will take it, for example when he had fries, usually he will eat them all, yesterday he ate a few and dumped the rest. So just little things. He still isn't talking much, when he does he repeats himself, or blurts out things that make no sense. Like the other day out of no where he blurted out "candy apple!" lol And right now he is having a shh war with me! lol I speak and he shushes me so I shush him lol. So there is still some of that playful Donavynn in there somewhere. I just wish we could see more of him.
Ok we finally got him to go, now we just need to get the shot, get his blood for counts and wait the required hour after the shot. He really wants to go home so lets hope all goes well again today. If all goes according to plan we won't have to come back in until next Thursday, so hopefully we'll get to have one week free from the hospital.
It is looking like we won't be going trick or treating this year, at least Donavynn won't. He is telling me now that he doesn't want to go. Of course we'll see what tomorrow brings, maybe he'll change his mind. But it isn't likely. So Daddy will stay home with him and I'll take Cheyenne. We scrapped the pumpkin carving for this year as well, because his counts are so low. Fresh fruits and veggies can carry bacteria and even though he wouldn't be eating it, I didn't want him touching it of even having that risk in the house. Hopefully Halloween will be better next year, because this has always been a day our family looked forward too. The kids just love it, and so do we, which makes it even more fun when the whole family can enjoy.
Ok well he just had his shot (10:17 am) so now we wait for the hour. But the TPA hasn't worked yet so it could be a little longer.
This whole thing is simply heart wrenching. Donavynn seems to be locked inside himself. And through all of this, that is probably the hardest part on us. Seeing him be so distant, so, not himself. I wish there was something that I could do to bring him out of his shell. He has regressed so much, and often times it feels like he is an infant again. It is very draining. But all we can do, is what we've been doing. Being patient and trying to get him to interact. Sometimes it works, sometimes he tells us to leave him alone. It all depends on the day. Hopefully when his counts go back up he'll start to feel better and he will return to himself. That is all we can do, is hope that this is temporary, related to the fact that his counts are low and his way of coping with his current circumstances. I can certainly understand it, there are times I wish I could do that, just ignore everyone, shut off the world and get lost in my own mind. So if the idea is appealing to me, I'm guessing it is just as much so to him.
That is about all for now. I'll update again when there is something to tell, and I have time.
Current prayer requests:
- That he stays free of infection.
- That his organs will stay healthy.
- That this current state of mind he's in is temporary and he'll be back to himself in time.
- That he'll start eating again soon.
- And that he continues to respond to the chemo, stays in remission and doesn't have any adverse effects.
~Team Donavynn~
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