Thursday, February 21, 2008

No School Today!

Donavynn didn't seem to notice that he was supposed to have school today but due to the weather it was canceled. We got a bit of an ice storm, apparently it was pretty bad because they closed my college for the first time in 10 years! But we stayed in so we aren't really sure what it looks like out there. The kids have been doing crafts and playing all day. Donavynn has been practicing his scissor skills and is getting much better. They did a developmental check on all the kids in his school and we just got the results back the other day, but I forgot to mention it. Everything was on a scale of 1-10 and his language was a 10 - big surprise. :) His concepts were a 9 - simply because on of the questions she asked was "What do you do when you go in a dark room" He always asks me to turn on the light but for some reason his response to her was to play. lol And the other question was what do you do if you break something that belongs to someone else - well he also knows this one, because he'll always tell you if he broke something or spilled something etc. But he just looked at her and said with a big grin "Break Stuff!" His motor was behind - which we knew - for that he scored a 3, this is related directly to the infection that he had in his brain the summer after his diagnosis. So we aren't overly concerned. That will all come with time. And we can see improvements with him everyday. For example when he was screened he wouldn't jump, he still can't jump like Derek but he is getting both feet off of the floor at once. So it will all come w/ time. His appetite was a little bit better today. And his energy level has been off the charts! I wish I could bottle it! lol I guess that those are the only updates for now. Gotta get some housework done. Have a great one!

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