Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Finally Home!!!

His diarrhea still isn't gone 100%, and we are now on day 17. But it has slowed way down to a few times a day and it is managable to keep him hydrated at home. The sad thing is we still don't know what is wrong and they ran every test you could think of. The parvo test came back negative, which is good. But that still leaves us without an answer.

On our way home yesterday, Donavynn started coughing and then got sick in the car. My poor kid has the most sensitive gag reflex. But after we got home he was fine. The fever is still gone and we are hoping it stays that way because he is still neutropenic and if it comes back we have to go back up to the hospital. He ate good last night and played like a mad man! It was so good to see him happy and playing. And then for the first time in a week he was able to go to bed in his own bed and listen to his bedtime music. We all had a great night!

He is getting ready to eat his breakfast so I better go, I just wanted to let everyone know that he is doing really good. We have to have his counts checked again on Monday and if he is no longer neutropenic he can go back on his chemo.

Thanks for all the prayers!

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