Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hour 24 Level

Ok so we are here. Got here yesterday and the floor was packed. So we are back in the bone marrow unit, Donavynn likes it because the room is huge. He has had many visitors during this trip, last night Meghan and Abbey came up and today Dave's friend Tim came up with his wife and son. Donavynn was happy to see them. He has spent much of today sleeping, he usually doesn't eat when we are here which usually means he won't clear as fast as the medicine clears via the kidneys and the bowels. So we were thinking that if we gave him the other antiemetic he might be able to eat, the only downside is that they give Benadryl with the Reglan, and that knocked him out and has kept him that way for most of the day. So he finished his methotrexate at around 3:30 and his level was 50.4. Lower than it started out last time, but still higher than it used to be before. So I'm hoping that it will clear quickly and we will be home Monday. That is about all for now. For any family out there, we downloaded Skype so that we can video conference with people, especially when we are in the hospital, if you would like to be added email me and I'll let you know my screen name. It has helped Donavynn alot to be able to see people while he is up here because he misses everyone terribly.

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