Monday, March 3, 2008

Skin Biopsy Results Are In!!!

Just a quick note... the dermatologist called this afternoon, apparently they just did a fungal stain with all the other stains and that was negative! There were some markers for psoriasis but it was not flagged as that because most of it was non specific ecxema looking. So they are pretty sure that it is just ecxema and we are very happy about that. They are going to call in a stronger steroid cream because the others haven't worked so hopefully that will work and then when we get warmer weather that lasts more than 2 days (it was 75 here for the last 2 days and now it is 32 again and we are expecting snow!) then he can get some sun and apparently that is supposed to help as well. The more I think about it the more I think our new furnace that is so wonderful might be part of the problem. After we got the new furnace we started noticing these skin problems... and that is because it has a dehumidifier in it. We also have an air filter and air purification system which seems to have helped alot with illness this year - it won't kill everything but it seems to have taken care of alot because Dave and I are usually sick more often during these months. So with the good came the bad! :( That is about all for now... the weekend was really nice and we went for a walk and took the kids to get ice cream during study breaks. So everyone was happy. Donavynn is going to spend the night with Nana tonight and he is excited about that! He loves his sleepovers with Nana! Well I have a friend arriving any minute to study for our Pharmacology test so I better go, just wanted to let everyone know how his skin biopsy came back.

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