He also just ate some more chips, which is good.
Lab results are as follows:
WBC 500
ANC 40
Platelets 164
These are great, platelets came back up all on their own, WBC count is up 400 from yesterday and ANC is no longer 0. He did have 4% blasts, and for those of you who don't know what that means, blasts are bad. However, because he is on the GCSF they said that sometimes happens and that 4% isn't anything to worry about, but they will keep an eye on it. The GCSF has the marrow working in overtime so sometimes those cells sneak out.
So, I started this blog before my parents arrived and I'm finishing it now, after they left. And it's done, his hair is gone! :( My mom left the room, she said she couldn't stay for that, and it killed me to be the one cutting it! I did most of it, and my dad finished it off. I got some video footage, but I'm not sure if I can upload it because it may not be the right type of file, because my video camera wasn't charged so I had to use my regular camera. But I'm going to try. I saved all the hair, and will be sending some to Grandma and Grandpa in NY. I can't believe it is gone! But he is happy about it. He keeps saying "I'm bald!"

With Sissy
As you can see by the above photos he was feeling better today, he sat up in the chair for quite awhile. He is resting in bed now, but still talkative and playing. He has his DS and is enjoying his new game. But while the other kids were here he played with some toys with them and had a great time.
Derek has really missed Donavynn, he even woke up crying for him last night! :(
So anyway, still no major updates, other than that he is feeling good, and his counts are on the rise, so hopefully the fevers will go away soon. Although even when he is febrile you would never know, he was still talking to us earlier and playing his DS, as happy as can be with a fever of 105! Which was quite frightening! Hopefully that was the last one, but time will tell. I'll post again if I get the videos uploaded and google will let me post them. I can't watch google videos here either so I don't know if it will work but I'm sure going to try.
Please keep sending up the prayers, they are doing so much good! I have my boy back for the first time in a month or more! And we couldn't be happier. Now if we can just get him healthy and get out of here that would be even better!

Please keep sending up the prayers, they are doing so much good! I have my boy back for the first time in a month or more! And we couldn't be happier. Now if we can just get him healthy and get out of here that would be even better!
Your looking great little man.
Kassie from Team Snowflake
wow...his hair is gone...I don't even know what to say, other than bald is beautiful!!!
Stay strong little man...we are praying for you!!!!!
AWW check him out! Looks great =O)
Much love, hugs, & prayers!!!
Donavynn looks like an adorable kid...keep fighting!!!!
Wanted to stop by and invite you to join our childhood cancer awareness group.
and/or sign our petition at:
Please help us spread the word.
Take care....
Kathi Clarke
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