Monday, November 3, 2008

Labs for Today

The doctors haven't been in yet, but the nurse just stopped. She said they are starting him on a 5 day cycle of Zythromax for possible pneumonia, and they are going to take him down for another chest X-ray today to see if there has been any improvement since starting the bipap treatments. He just finished his antifungal and is chilling again, so I really wish they would take him off of that! I'm really starting to think that the nurse was right!

Anyway, he still has 4% blasts but Dr. Shore stopped in, he said that isn't concerning because his counts are recovering and he's on the neupogen. (GCSF) His total white count was 2,740! Up from 500 yesterday! And his ANC is 1069, up from 40 yesterday (don't remember if I put that in the other blog or not) so the med is working well, and fast. His platelets are 134 today, which is down a touch from yesterday but they fluctuate throughout the day so I'm not worried about that. Last time we were here he had a CBC done twice and once they were 77 and later they were 90 so that is no big deal. His hemoglobin is 11.2 which is low, but not bad. He won't be considered anemic even until it is below 10.
Ok doctors just left. They are going to check the biopsy and remove the antifungal, even if he has a fungal infection then they will just switch to a different one. Because he now has a fever, and with the fever came the puking.

On the upside, he's off of contact precautions now because he went for so long with out pooing, and when he just went it wasn't liquid anymore.

We are waiting on the phenergan to help with the nausea, and hopefully she'll be in here with the Tylenol then too. These fevers are vile, they go so high so fast. So I hope we have found the cause and they will stop! I'll update again after we know more. The doctors didn't have much info at this point, other than that they think that is the cause of the fevers as well, and we are going to do another chest X-ray, they are also switching one of his antibiotics, just to be safe. But his blood cultures are still negative.

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