Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Today's Update
As you can see by the pictures, he has been fever free for more than 24 hours so he was able to leave his room! We got him up and let him play in the play room then took him for a walk up the halls. But I think we may have over done it a bit because all that walking got him coughing, which is good, it gets all that stuff moving. But they think he may have pulled a muscle in his chest because it hurts him to cough. His chest x-ray has shown great improvement though, so we'll just keep getting him moving. Right now he is doing some great lung expansion - laughing, hysterically to Kangaroo Jack! I forgot that the kangaroo gets hit, and when he saw that he started balling! So I had to explain to him that he was ok, and once he saw that he was he started laughing and hasn't stopped much since! lol
His bottom looks better, redness wise. But 2 of his stitches came out. So they don't want to put new ones in, they just want us to continue to irrigate it and keep the ointment on it. Hopefully now that his counts are back up it will heal quicker.
He's on O2 per venturi mask now when he sleeps, because his sats were dropping into the 80's again. They feel it is likely just from him being immobile. So hopefully the more we get him moving the better that will get.
They aren't starting chemo tomorrow as planned. They want him to get over this infection and let his bottom heal. And we don't know yet, when we'll be going home. That will depend on his bottom. He's only had 2 stools so far today, so that is surely helping. And I'm so proud of daddy! He did so well taking care of him. He was concerned about cleaning his bottom. He wasn't sure if he could do it right, and didn't want to hurt him. So I wasn't sure if he would do it or have the aide's do it. But he did all his care while I was gone, and he did a great job! His bottom looks even better than it did yesterday. So he is really proud of himself too! I think this has been a good learning experience for him. Usually I do all of Donavynn's care, just because I'm usually the one there, and it is easier for me to take time off of school usually, that it is for him to take time of off work. So this is all pretty new to him. Daddy = fun, usually. But this was really good for both of us. He learned some, and had some good quality time with Donavynn, and I learned to give up a little control (lol) and take a break. As hard as it was for me, it was nice to sleep in my own bed last night, and have time to get the house clean so that it is ready when we do get to go home. But (I never thought I'd say this) I'm glad to be back in the hospital! lol I missed him so much!!!
Oh yeah, labs! His white count was up to 10,002, ANC - 4,710, Platelets - 162 and the blasts were down to 8%! Yeah! So we'll keep watching them and hope that they continue to go down. So today has been a good day, please keep praying that he continues to get better and that his wound on his bottom heals quickly!!! Gotta go spend some time with my boy, I'll update again when I have more to tell.
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