Monday, November 3, 2008

Updates for Last Night

I'm waiting for them to bring me a copy of his labs for today. But I wanted to post an update. He hasn't had a BM in around 13 hours or more! I can't tell you how happy that makes me!!! Last night he had an odd snore, was breathing kind of fast, and his O2 sats were in the 80's, so they put him on O2 via simple face mask, and hooked him to a monitor to watch his O2. They also took him for a chest x-ray at 11:30 or midnight last night. We are still waiting for the "official" report on that. Apparently they were still a little concerned because I woke up to them bringing the fun bipap in the room, they did one treatment with that so far. They said he can be off the O2 while he is awake and we'll watch and see what he does. Not sure what that is all about. He sounds a little congested (nasal congestion) and had a big mucousy cough while we were down in X-ray. After he coughed he sounded better for awhile. He's on Claritin for his allergies, but I know that doesn't cover everything. I guess time will tell. They said even if the chest X-ray shows something, treatment likely won't change because he is on antibiotics and antifungals and should be covered all the way around. Part of me wonders if some of this could be viral, because his monocytes were elevated yesterday, but that could just be because his counts are recovering so everything is a little off. As far as our theory goes, no news on what the doctors think yet. He did spike again last night while the med was running. But the nurse passed her theory along, chances are they aren't going to stop that med until his skin biopsy results come back anyway. So we'll continue to watch and see. I'm telling you it can be so frustrating. The advances that have been made in medicine and still so much time is spent playing the "wait and see" game. I'm really hating being on the patient side of medicine! lol The doctors will be in in a few hours I'm sure and I can post another update then, if not before when I get the labs, if there is anything to report there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of prayers for Donavynn & your family. Do you have a banner that I can post on my blog & pages? Like the one at the bottom of your blog that says praying for Donavynn?

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