Saturday, November 1, 2008

Good Morning

And so far it is. Donavynn had a few stools through the night, but not as many as he has been having. Most of it was just oozing small amounts. Unfortunately they are just as painful to clean, and just as important because we need to keep that area super clean. But he did great, and he had daddy up till around 2 am and they were playing his DS and talking! The talking has not stopped yet, even though the sedation has long worn off, so we are hoping this lasts. He seems to be feeling so much better, wanting to do things he hasn't in weeks. Part of me is wondering, and I'll have to ask the doctors if perhaps his port catheter location was causing some of his symptoms and making him feel worse... perhaps that was why he wasn't talking? Who knows. He'll be getting blood this morning, his hemoglobin was 7.9 I think, so hopefully that will make him feel even better. Also we learned that so far the only thing his wound culture has grown is normal skin flora. They could have caused the wound infection as well, but because they are normal for the skin we won't ever really know if they were invasive and causing the infection, if it was an infection at all. We'll probably just assume that that was it if nothing else grows. And he is covered antibiotic wise, so that is good. As far as I know his blood cultures are still negative, which has me a little boggled because his fevers have been pretty high. He has had this happen before just because of low counts, so who knows if that is it. So we are using Gentamycin cream (antibiotic) on his sutures as well as aquaphor as a barrier over it. We are also using ketoconazole for the yeast on the red areas. Hopefully that will help. They also just gave him so oxycodone to help with the pain, because his bottom is pretty sore. So hopefully that will help. Those are the updates for now, I'll post again after we see the doctors, or I get more information. Please keep sending up the prayers. Specific requests are in previous blogs. Thank you so much! And an additional prayer request: that Donavynn keeps talking!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Serena! I am keeping up on the blog and will call you today. I just wanted you to know even tho you havent heard from me....I am here and reading and keeping up with everything. Prayers and bulletins are being posted on Myspace from Project Child Smiles. I am so glad to hear that he is talking again. I know that was causing you to feel stress and maybe Donavynn is breaking out of his protective shell. Love to all, Prayers all around. Cheryl

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