We had another chest X-ray done tonight to see if there has been any improvement from the breathing treatments, and there has been. They look better than last night, and they are starting to move his secretions so he is coughing them up now. His O2 sats are staying in the high 90's as well, at least they have been all day when he's been awake. The night may bring another story, time will tell. The wound biopsy came back showing the same as the culture, no fungal! YEAH! Only the staph, which they said according to the sensitivity is not resistant! Which is also good. He was up in the chair for 5 hours today! I couldn't get him to walk around the room, but the fact that he was out of bed was an improvement. If he remains fever free (lets keep praying!) then he'll be able to leave his room tomorrow afternoon. He is hoping for that. Tomorrow night, if all continues to go well, will be the first night that he will spend in the hospital with out me. Daddy will be here of course, but that isn't the same, so I'm a nervous wreck! And so sad. But if he is doing well, then there is no reason for me to miss clinical. The semester is almost over, gotta keep plugging along. But even though I know that, my heart is broken to have to leave him here and not be here if he needs me. Our wonderful nurse that we had last night and have again tonight is going to think of many reassuring reasons why I should go, and why everything will be ok for one night without me here. lol He is watching Finding Nemo now. And he's been chatty all night. He also has not hesitated to inform us of what he likes and doesn't like. And if we are doing something wrong. This is what I like to see, my happy but opinionated little boy!
They also did a KUB (abdominal X-ray - stands for kidneys, ureters and bladder) and that is normal. They did that because the resident was pushing on his abdomen earlier and he was saying he was in pain. He ended up vomiting shortly after which was probably the cause for the discomfort, but they wanted to be sure. They are still trying to make sure that they aren't missing anything.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it in an earlier post or not, but the infectious disease doc came in and took a look at his bottom, which is looking much better, and he now has a small tear beside the stitches that we need to keep an eye on. But hopefully that won't become anything major. The rest of his bottom is much better, not so red and not really raw at all. He is my brave little trooper and I am so proud of him!!!
I think that is about it for tonight. I'll probably post another blog in the am before I leave. Please continue to pray for him and say a prayer for me that I can have the strength to do what I have to do, and be away for a night. And that he does well without me here. Please also pray that we did indeed find the cause of the fever and he doesn't spike tonight. He is really looking forward to being able to leave his room, which can only happen when he's been fever free for 24 hours. Sorry if I'm rambling or repeating myself, I'm exhausted. Hope everyone has a great night!
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Praying for all of you!
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