Monday, April 21, 2008

Home From Clinic, waiting on cultures

Well we are finally home from clinic and it has been such a long day. After the crazy busy schedule that I have been leading I have decided to do my best to blog in both places because I know that some people just don't have the time to check the other site. If you are like me you log on here check your messages and check on your friends and log off. So I'll just do a copy and paste. However, if he ends up in the hospital updates will be on his blogspot, since MySpace is a denied site at Mercy.

My poor little man hasn't wanted to eat today and he has been really clingy and tired - very unlike himself. He wouldn't even talk to Dr. Shore today and that is really unlike him. So I have been worried anyway. Then we get his blood work results and now I'm worried again. His total white count is 11,310 and his ANC is 10,001. Way higher than it should be! They like his ANC to be between 1000 and 2000. So we were trying to figure this out. His meds are the right amount for his size and the only other time his counts did this was in February when he had that infection. So they drew cultures and we are at home waiting to get the results. I won't be the least bit surprised if they are positive. He is laying on the couch right now, not wanting to be bothered. I felt so bad for him because he didn't have to have his LP today so they just accessed him, drew labs, pushed the Vincristine and de-accessed him. Then we get the lab results and they decide to do cultures so he had to be reaccessed, this time w/o Emla. But he handled it like a champ as always. His ears (both) are red around the drum, not the tympanic membrane itself, just around it. So they don't want to treat that unless they have to - Dr's are more hesitant these days to use antibiotics because of all of the resistance that is developing. Which I understand but if he does have an infection my guess is that is where it came from again. I just took him temp in his ear and it was 101 - my guess is that is from the inflammation - that releases heat so you don't get an accurate read. So I did it under his arm and got 99.5 - it was 98.2 at the hospital so it seems to be on the rise. I'm under orders to call if it keeps rising and we'll go from there. My guess is because his counts are good and cultures have already been drawn that they'll just have us give him Tyelenol tonight and bring him up in the am. But we'll see. As much as I hate being at the hospital, in all honesty I wish they had just asked us to stay because the extra trips up there are really gonna kill us. But we'll do what we gotta for our little man. I just hope he starts feeling better soon. Please say a few prayers for him and for me. The stress of worrying about him constantly is starting to get to me. I have been worried for weeks... every now and then I just worry about him more than usual and now it appears I have reason to so the prayers would be much appreciated. I'm rambling I think because I am just so completely drained! I hope I got all the details for you. I'll keep you posted. Oh yeah, because they were high they also want to check his counts again in 2 weeks. That may change depending on whether or not his cultures grow. I'll keep you posted on that as well.

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