Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Long Night

Donavynn was up most of the night b/c of his upset stomach, diarrhea and fever. He finished his last dose of Ara-C this morning at 5. So I'm hoping that these symptoms will clear up now but after his ANC jumped so much overnight I'm not sure. We are waiting on a stool sample b/c as of right now his blood culture is still negative (Thank God). The doctor explained this am that their counts can do that as a simple stress response to a fever, however this has never happened to Donavynn. If his counts jump, there is a reason. So anyway, w/ his diarrhea we are trying to rule out other possible sites of infection. Right now he is sleeping. I'm hoping this afternoon will be a better one for him, and that the diarrhea, and vomiting will clear up. I am praying that for once he did something atypical for him and his counts are a reaction to his fever. Just once, I want my fears to be wrong. If they are we could be home tomorrow, if not who knows... so right now things are still pretty up in the air and time will tell. I'll post again when I have more information. Unfortunately if we don't get his stool sample soon we won't know anything today as they only run the C-diff tests once a day. But as soon as I know something I'll post it.

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