Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Waiting To Go Home

He finished his methotrexate last night and then they drew a methotrexate level. It is currently 19.59 and has to be below 0.1 before we can go home. Hopefully he will clear it quickly like last time. They'll draw another level tonight at 2 and that should give us a better idea of how fast he is clearing. Then I believe they will draw again at 8. I'm going to see if Dr. Shore would mind doing a CBC before we leave as well because Donavynn was invited to a birthday party this weekend and I don't want to take him if he is neutropenic so we'll see. He has been so good as usual. Continuing to amaze the medical staff with how cooperative and happy he is. He has found an animal alphabet puzzle and has been playing with that on and off throughout our entire stay. He loves telling everyone what animals are what.

Last night was a little more restful, because he actually had to be woken to pee. The night before he just had to go like every 1/2 hour. He is shy though so he wouldn't let the aid help him, she had to wake me last night when she woke him! lol He said he was embarrassed. Which I think is cute. It's nice to see he has some modesty!

So that is about all for now. No great news, just happy that he is doing well and praying that he stays free of mouth sores again and clears quickly. If he follows the same path as last time we'll be home tomorrow, if he clears faster we could be home tonight but I'm not counting on that, because that is practically unheard of. I wish I could remember what his initial level was last time, that would give me a better idea. Oh well. I'll post later with his next level.

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