Sunday, January 25, 2009

Didn't Make Counts

We checked his counts today, because he was supposed to be admitted for his next round of Methotrexate tomorrow.  But his ANC is only 400 so we'll be waiting at least another week.  The upside is that his hemoglobin came back up on it's own, didn't need any blood this round!  And his platelets are 515 so other than being neutropenic he is doing good.  He has a lot of energy and is feeling great.  He does have pink eye though, so we have an eye ointment we are using, so hopefully that will clear it up soon.  We have been really busy, so blogging hasn't been a top priority.  So I wanted to log on and at least post a quick update to let everyone know that all is well here.  I'll update again when I have more info.

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