Friday, May 1, 2009

Reintensification II

Today we start the long phase that will have us in the hospital ever few weeks for alternating HD Ara-C and HD Methotrexate.  I apologize for the complete lack of updates, school has been running me ragged and we are heading into finals week!  I can't wait to finish this semester, hopefully that will all go well.  The other reason for the lack of blogs is that there hasn't been anything to blog about.  Donavynn finished that last round and did well, he had alternating weeks of steroids and no inpatient stays for a month which was nice.  Today we are here for the HD Ara-C and hopefully all will go well w/ the Erwinia and we will be home Sunday.  I'm settled in to study and he is playing his DS. So all is well here.  I'll update as I have time through this stay if there is much to blog about.  

1 comment:

Jessi said...

I am SO glad you haven't had anything to blog about. No news is good news :).

So glad to hear everything is going well. I can't imagine doing school in the midst of all of this, so you rock! Good luck on finals!

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