Monday, June 30, 2008

2 Steps Forward

Dear Lord,
There is a part inside of me that is broken, please touch my heart and help me to heal. Amen

Donavynn vomited twice today, I'm thinking it may have been in part because he hadn't eaten in so many days and then he just ate too much instead of taking it slow. But they gave him some Benadryl to help with the nausea. For dinner he had 2 pieces of toast and 2 plates of chips and he has held that down. To drink so far today he has had 20 oz ontop of the 60 ml (2 oz) an hour he is getting IV. He has only had 2 BM's today so he's slowing way down. They still aren't normal but they aren't coming every 10 minutes either which has helped his bottom to heal, along with my wonderful care. :) And *drum roll please* in 1 hour he will be 24 hours without a fever!!!! For some reason I thought he had a fever this morning but the nurse checked the vitals again and said that the last time he had a fever was at 1:30 am, my days are all running together. When the aid just checked his temperature he said "cool as a cucumber" And now Donavynn has been repeating it. lol So the other news is that he has been sitting up and coloring and playing with his trucks tonight. And laughing and playing and acting like Donavynn again!!! It is so great to see more of that smile and hear more of that wonderful laugh that I have missed so much. I am hopeful that we may be discharged sooner than I was originally expecting. That would be fantastic! It is possible (but not likely) that we could be out as early as tomorrow, but I'm not going to get my hopes up, a much more likely discharge date would be Tuesday or Wednesday - provided he continues to improve. And he has been improving in leaps and bounds so I know all those prayers have been working! I'm gonna hit the sac, I'll post again in the morning when we have some news.

Please Pray For:
1. Continued improvements in healing of his skin breakdown, in his appetite, and in his diarrhea.
2. That we will have our answers soon or that he will at least be better so that we can go home.
3. That the nausea doesn't return and he will be able to hold down all of his food.
4. That he will remain fever free, finally! :)

*For anyone that I haven't been able to call, please understand that while we are in the hospital our days are filled with so many things from trying to get some rest to cleaning up messes every 5 minutes, talking to doctors and nurses, etc. Our time is limited and often when I do have time to make a phone call I'm lucky if it lasts for 5 minutes before Donavynn is screaming because he needs to be cleaned up or he just needs something. This is why I have the blog, so that people can check in and get updates and I don't have to make a dozen calls. It is also nice because if I get interrupted (which I often do) I can come back to it later and finish what I was saying. If you check back often and there aren't updates that is usually a good thing, that means all is well and we are busy having fun and enjoying our summer. I do believe (don't quote me on it) that you can subscribe to the blog so that you will be notified if there is a new posting. I believe it is at the bottom of the screen if you scroll all the way down. I'm not 100% sure on this because I'm still pretty new to blogspot and trying to learn all the ins and outs. It has it's good qualities but it also has some things that I don't care for as well, but we are adapting because I don't want to switch sites yet again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hun, I'm glad things are getting a bit better. I'll continue to pray and be checking back as often as I can. Big hugs!!

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