Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Still No News

The doctors came in and we still know nothing. The only thing we know for sure is we are gonna be here awhile. He has done nothing but sleep all day today. His potassium was critically low so he was given a potassium bolus and he is on a continuous potassium chloride drip, because he won't eat and he's barely drinking because he is sleeping so much. I guess the sleep is good, will help him heal faster. His temp was up to 104 again but it is now back down, thank God. Fevers really make me nervous. It amazes me that he feels worse with this virus than he ever did when he had pneumonia or the bacterial infections. As I believe I mentioned before the stool cultures aren't going to grow for awhile. So we should know about the C-diff tomorrow but I think that will be all that we know. He's crying for me so I better go.

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