Friday, June 27, 2008


Still not too much news. His diarrhea has gotten a little bit better, not so much today and not as watery. I know, gross, right. But this is a big thing. He has been sleeping a lot but that is because his hemoglobin is pretty low and they have him on Oxycotin (Oxycodone) for the pain as needed. He has eaten today - a little lunch, most of dinner, some cookies and some chips. So that is a big improvement. We are hoping that that is a sign that things are looking up. We have actually gotten a few narcotic free smiles out of him and he has even talked a little today. The last few days he hasn't said much - would just cry when his bottom hurt and scream at me for cleaning him. So it was really nice to hear his mousy little voice again, sounding happy.

My wonderful friend Alissa stopped in tonight to see us. I can't even tell you that was just what I needed! I know I have been really ornery the last few days and I hate being like that. I'm sorry. I've just been so frustrated and feeling so isolated and I didn't know how to handle it. But seeing a friendly face and talking about something other than fevers, diarrhea, skin breakdown etc was really nice. I should and have wanted to take a trip down to the chapel, I know that that would really help as well. But I don't want to leave him for too long. He won't tell anyone else if he has had an accident, so that worries me. But I know the last time we were here when I felt all this pain and frustration inside me that as soon as I walked into the chapel it was all lifted away. It was amazing!

Thanks to the help of my wonderful parents, Dave will likely be coming to stay the night with me when he gets out of work. I can't wait to see him. I hate being away from him and so does Donavynn. I'm hoping that seeing Daddy will help to lift his spirits. I know that it will lift mine! Maybe while Daddy is here I'll be able to make that trip down to the chapel, and maybe even get out of the hospital for a few minutes. Oh I can hardly wait to see him!

Please pray for:
1: Healing of the breakdown on his bottom.
2: That he remains fever free (I believe, have to check with the nurse, that he has been fever free since 8:30 this morning)
3: That the diarrhea will stop.
4: That they will find out what is wrong and be able to help him.
5: That the problem is nothing serious.

I thank all who have been checking in on us. And keeping us in their prayers. I'll try to update again tomorrow.

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