Monday, June 23, 2008

Still Waiting...

For someone to tell me something, for the fever to stop coming back, for the diarrhea to stop... You name it, we are waiting for it. Last night there was a bit of an upset and I almost had to lose my mind on someone at our local hospital. I called to see about his culutres and some dumbass told me that they didn't do cultures only a CBC when I was standing right there and watched them do it. I about lost my mind, you do not mess around with a cancer patients cultures!!! Apparently there is a new computer system over there so I just needed to talk to someone who knew where to look. After tweaking out on 2 people and flipping out to my mom and husband we finally got some answers - still negative, which is good. But I'm still a nervous wreck because he just can't shake this fever! It keeps coming back, last night it got up to 104 really fast. I gave the Tylenol when I checked it and it was 102, but before the medicine could work it had already climbed up to 104. With a fever he doesn't want to do anything but lay in bed, because we can all remember having a high fever - with it comes at the very least a headache. We got the vomiting stopped the other night but the diarrhea just won't go away and we are in day 9 now! I'm pushing gatorade like you wouldn't believe trying to keep him hydrated. And he hasn't wanted to eat anything in 2 days. To put it simply I'm just a nervous wreck! I hate this not knowing what is wrong and when he is going to feel better! At least it's Monday though, depending on how he does today I may be calling to speak to his regular doctor. I think that I'm just freaking out because this is only the 2nd time since he started treatment that we were allowed to stay home with a fever and it scares the crap out of me!!! As much as we hate being in the hospital we do feel a little safer there when this is going on. I guess that is all for now, I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the prayers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are praying!! It's going to go away and he will be out swimming and playing in no time.. We are alawys praying for you..

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