Friday, June 27, 2008

Day 3 In The Hospital

His total white count has gone up a little today, I believe it was 530 yesterday and today its 880. His ANC is only 139 though. His fever is still coming back. The docs are switching his antibiotics - keeping him on the Oxacillin but taking him of the Fortaz and putting him on something else. Apparently this is for 2 reasons, one because the fever still is hanging on and though the cultures are negative they want to make sure they aren't missing something and two because he has breakdown on his bottom this will hopefully protect him from getting an infection through there. They ordered another stool study to be done, not sure why. I guess they are just trying to cover all the bases and they still have no answers so they want to make sure that they haven't missed anything.

Yesterday he ate a little, I may have mentioned that. But he hasn't wanted to really drink so they have his IV going at 90ml/hr to keep him hydrated. Which has helped his electrolytes a lot but now he can't get good sleep because he was up every hour to pee. Poor kid. If it isn't one thing it's another. He is resting now, and likely will be for most of the day. Hopefully all this sleep is doing him some good.

I feel lost and out of the loop not being able to log onto MySpace. I hate that. So I am hoping that everyone is doing well. I know some of my friends also had a lot going on and I don't know what is going on with them now because I can't read bulletins or blogs. So I hope all is well. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, as I know we have been in yours. I also have myspace IM open so if anyone wants to chat and I have time I would be more than happy to talk - with all this sleeping he is doing it leaves me with quite a bit of free time on my hands.

I spoke to the patient advocate today, so hopefully I won't have to deal with that social worker anymore, and they'll assign a new one.

I guess that is all for now. If anything changes I'll update again. But I don't for see any changes in the near future.

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