Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Going Home

Ok so we just got the news that provided all goes well with his dose of Erwinia today, we can go home!!! So pray that all goes well. Allergies with this drug are rare but they do happen. In fact I found a family yesterday that is going through the same protocol, they are a little further along than we are, and he reacted to the Erwinia just yesterday. I was so happy to find a family to talk to, who can give us a heads up of potential bumps in the road, support and we can help each other maintain a positive attitude. Because there are days when I don't have much of that. When fear takes over. But just talking to her yesterday helped me a lot. Anyway, Donavynn got a great nights sleep last night. No stools between 10:30 pm and 5:30 am! Which was a really nice break for the both of us. He was playing in his bed yesterday a little too, which was nice to see. And he even talked to Daddy and Nana on the phone yesterday. Ok the NP is here now giving me an update, will post again later.

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