Saturday, October 18, 2008

Still Waiting...

Sorry it took me so long. I didn't get much sleep last night either so Donavynn and I took a nap today when we finally had a lull in the action. The doctors ordered his miracle butt cream (Aquaphor and Mallox mix) so hopefully that will help. They were able to get their stool sample as well, they are doing a C-diff culture and a viral panel. He spiked another temperature a few hours ago, so it is still unclear if it is from the Ara-C or something else like the possible C-diff infection. Hopefully we'll have some answers tomorrow. But at this rate, I don't know if we'll be going home tomorrow either.

He had his first dose of Erwinia this morning and thankfully that went well. They put emla on his leg before the injection but that didn't really seem to help a whole bunch. The medication burned when they put it in.

Thankfully the diarrhea has slowed down for now so he is getting some sleep. They switched his antibiotics again. They took him off the 2 he has been on and replaced them with cephepime (I think) and Flagyl. They are zoning in the the GI tract now. Lets hope they figure something out soon and his bottom can get a break so it can start to heal. He is so sore and raw. I got the results to his CBC earlier. His ANC is up it was 5600 on Thursday and it is 6770 today which makes me wonder if it is an infection even though nothing has grown yet... But his total white count is down, so who knows. It was 8000 now it is 6840. So the majority of his cells are neutrophils. And he has 24% bands and 75% segs. His RBC count is down to 3.37, hemoglobin is down to 9.9, hematocrit is 28.3 and his platelets are down to 102 from 223 on Thursday. We should have the results to the C-diff today, apparently they do them once a day and they haven't done them yet, so I'll let you know when I get those results. All I know is that I hope he starts feeling better soon. I miss my baby, my happy baby. And it breaks my heart to see him feeling so down and crummy! The nurses usually come in and talk to him and can get him laughing and smiling and now they are all shocked to see that he won't do that now, it just shows them how crappy he really is feeling. I should probably get off my butt and pick up this room a little. I have our stuff sprawled out everywhere but I am just too tired to care at this moment. And cabin fever doesn't even begin to describe what I am feeling. I have 3 large windows in our room that are looking out at a beautiful blue sky. :( But I would rather be here right now with the way he is feeling. I would have been livid if they sent us home with him like this. Because he has a pretty strong tolerance for pain and discomfort and will usually play on through with out any complaints so for him to be acting so weak and tired I know that he isn't feeling right. On the up side he is fully starting to "deflate" lol His belly has gone way down so he is having an easier time breathing. Oh this is sad, he hasn't said 2 words all day but he is talking in his sleep right now. "Ok, ok" and then I think he said something about Nana. lol It is good to hear his little voice even if it is pretty incoherent.

Dave was going to come up today but he is under the weather so he isn't allowed. Which kinda sucks for us, it would have given me a break and Donavynn was looking forward to it. But we can't have him hear like that with Donavynn and all the other kids up here that are susceptible to so much. It is better for everyone if he just stays home. When I talked to him last he was at the store getting us things that we will need when we come home and trying to be ready for us to come home. Let's hope he feels better too.

I guess that is all for now. I'll post again later with the C-diff results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry he has C-Diff. I wish I could help, it's hard being so far away all the time. If you aren't home Monday I will stop by and see you on the way home. I should be in KC by 11. I will talk to you later.

Love Grumpy

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