Sunday, October 12, 2008

Update on the chemo plan and Team Donavynn

Nancy called and got the approval for the Monday, Thursday, Saturday schedule. Because either way there will be a 2 day gap (either Saturday, Sunday, or Tuesday, Wednesday). So the Erwinia schedule is...
1st dose - October 17th - Friday, our last day for the High dose Ara-C, round 1.
2nd dose - October 20th - Monday
3rd dose - October 23rd - Thursday
4th dose - October 25th - Saturday
5th dose - October 27th - Monday
6th dose - October 30th - Thursday

Then we start this all over again on November 6th. She also informed me that the next round after consolidation is probably going to have us hospitalized for Thanksgiving (I need to look into that a little further to verify if she meant on Thanksgiving or around Thanksgiving). And Donavynn's last dose of steroids is Tuesday morning! We are all so excited!!! So those are the chemotherapy updates. 1 word - chaotic! lol

Just so everyone is aware as well, my computer is currently sitting at Staples because the screen is scrambling. They removed a bunch of spyware (which pisses me off because we have anti-virus software!) and have been trying to diagnose the other issue but are having trouble because the darn thing keeps shutting itself down and they believe it is overheating. So it is likely that we aren't going to be able to afford to fix whatever it is. If that is the case, I won't be on much. I am currently using my husbands laptop, but won't be able to use it as much as I could use my own obviously. So the plan is, if we can't fix it, to get a macbook at tax time. That way I won't have to worry about the virus issues anymore, and it comes with a 3 year warrenty instead of this crappy 1 year warrenty that pc gives you. But obviously that will have to wait until we can afford it, and we aren't even sure if tax time will be a good time. So I'll keep you all posted on that minor issue. I just wanted everyone to know incase the blogging slows down a little, that is why.

Anyway, Donavynn is doing well. Spends most of his days resting and flipping through the pages of his little notebook. Which we don't get. I'm thinking it is a comfort thing, but it makes me think of OCD. I asked him why he does that and he said "Because I have too!" He has been really tired, the steroids just drain him. So much so that his friend Trinity was here Friday night and he didn't really play with her much either. I hate that, I miss seeing my little boy play and be full of energy. For example, we are lying in my room now, it is completely dark and he is just lying there flipping through his notebook, hasn't even asked for the TV to be turned on, which used to be the first thing he would do in the morning. Sometimes I really wonder what is going through his little head. I wonder if he is as sad in his, as I am in mine. So we are praying that though the next few rounds have us practically living in the hospital that they won't be as physically hard on him as the steroids have been, and that his organs, bones and his eyes are protected. We miss seeing our happy go lucky little man.

Cheyenne has been doing well. Bringing her grades up slowly still, just plugging along. She has been pretty helpful and happy, and finally seems to be adjusting to everything. She has been driving her brother a little crazy with normal kid stuff but other than that she seems to be having a little bit easier of a time of it. One step at a time, and we are all slowly falling into our new lives again. I however am having a little bit harder of a time of it. I'm guessing it will get easier like it did before, but I am having a lot of the same feelings that I had when he was first diagnosed. Those feelings got better with time. As treatment wore on they didn't consume me as much. I think it would really help if I could talk to a few families who have gone through this particular treatment. Maybe I need to talk to Nancy to see if she could arrange that. It would help to have more of an idea of what to expect, and see some of the success stories. I hate that we have all been consumed by this world that we all once knew nothing about. The only good thing is that in the knowledge we have acquired we can help to work towards the cure by spreading awareness to all who will listen, and doing our yearly fundraising to help the cause. It just isn't fair that kids have to endure any of this.

Dave is doing well. He is having a hard time with the new treatment schedule, we won't be seeing much of each other. But other than that he seems to be coping well. I think it helps him to work. It lets him get his mind off of everything. And though that is why I am still in school, hoping that it would have the same effect, it doesn't seem to be working quiet as well for me. lol But like Leona Lewis says "It will all get better in time."

FYI: For anyone who wanted the bracelets, I'll be ordering them as soon as possible. Perhaps you could comment this blog, (let me know how many) so that I remember who everyone was (if you read it) because I had a document saved with everyones names on my computer! And if all goes as I am hoping it will, I can place the order next weekend. So if there is anyone else who wants to show their support for Team Donavynn let me know - the bracelets are 3 dollars - they will be purple/white swirl and say ~ Team Donavynn ~ Leukemia Warrior. As I said in the bulletin, send no money yet, I'll notify everyone of when the order has arrived and we can set up something as far as paying via paypal, or whatever works.

Let's see, what else is new......... Not too much, having problems with my clinical instructor. Don't have a lot of patience for nurses who think that they are God. But other than that we are lucky that our life has been pretty boring for the last few weeks. God how I love boring!!! Please keep sending up those prayers, people are asking what they can do to help, and that is all that we need. Prayers. Everything else will be taken care of one way or another. But prayers need to be storming heavens doors, asking for his complete healing, for him to be cured! Asking for his organs, bones, and eyes to be protected and not damaged from these harsh medicines, asking that he tolerate ALL the chemo's well with NO allergic reactions! And asking that our family finds the peace, comfort and courage that we need. I probably won't be blogging again until Thursday. If I have the time I am going to try to find a prayer map that I can put on here, so keep an eye out for that if you would like to sign it. And if anyone knows where I can find one, let me know. I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

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