Friday, October 31, 2008

Morning Update

The night was better than some, but not great. He had a few accidents through the night, I really can't wait for the wound care team to get up here so we can get that taken care of! And with his fevers, comes the vomiting. The IV they started at our local hospital has gone bad so they are trying to get radiology on the line so we can get the dye study done, like now. Because with the vomiting and the diarrhea we need to keep the fluids coming, and with out an IV that is hard to do. He threw up the Tylenol he just had, so they are going to try to give him some sublingual Zofran seen as how the phenergan didn't work and then try the Tylenol again. I just hope we can get some answers soon, because I'm really not happy right now. They did get a stool from him last night when we got here and sent it down for C-diff among other things, and I don't know how long the other tests take but we should know about the C-diff sometime today. I guess that is all for now, please see the last post for specific prayer requests. I'm guessing that I'm up for the day now, the nurse just came in and said that they can't get him down for the dye study till 8:30 so they are having the vascular team come up to try to start another peripheral IV so he doesn't get dehydrated. I'm telling you, when it rains it freaking pours!

BTW for anyone who wants to call the room number is 816-460-1044 ext: 4408

If PCS sees this, please let Scott know what is going on, I don't have his number with me, so have him call me on the room phone.

I will update again later.

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