Tuesday, November 11, 2008

AM Update

Things are looking good! His blasts are gone again, which is awesome. And he started his HD Ara-C yesterday afternoon at 3, and so far he hasn't gotten one of those dreaded Ara-C fevers. Lets hope it stays that way. They also premedicate with Zofran, and wouldn't you know after they did that he ate! He ate 2 pop tarts and most of a grilled cheese sandwhich! Perhaps he is feeling nauseas a lot and that is why he doesn't want to eat. He is still sleeping right now, but not for much longer, they have to come in and put in his eye drops soon. And he seems to be getting better with those.

Last night we went down to do a little project in the teen room. They had cupcakes, pretzel sticks and a fruit roll up and he made a tepee out of it. I have pictures that I'll upload when I have time. He also enjoyed coloring with a couple other kids on the big wipe off board they have down there. He was so happy to leave the floor!

His bottom is healing very well, it shouldn't be much longer now before it is all healed. He got his last dose of IV antibiotics yesterday. And it still looks great.

His ANC is 2,230 today, which is up from the 1800 it was yesterday. So that is good. Hopefully it will stay up for a little bit longer and let his bottom finish healing. I spoke to the docs more yesterday about the G-CSF and when to start it and we aren't starting it Thursday, we are going to wait until his counts drop. Because the only reason we had this much of an issue this time was because he had C-diff going into everything, and all that lead to the breakdown of his bottom leaving it open for that infection to get in. So hopefully we won't have as many issues this time, we can only hope. I'm sure daddy has been cleaning up at home, doing the weekly top to bottom disinfection. And hopefully that will help. Hopefully now that he has been feeling better he won't be so lethargic either, which will also help. The more active he is the better.

So the plan is still to go home tomorrow and I think we are both equally excited! The staff here is great and all but we are ready to get out of here. Donavynn told Dave the other day that he can't wait to go out those doors and tell all the nurses "I'm OUTTA here!" lol I can't even tell you how great it is to have my spunky little man back. He has been amazing everyone on the floor with his bike riding skills. He even found a little friend to race yesterday! They had a great time, until Donavynn had to get hooked up to his chemo. They are having Bingo in the teen room tonight, and if he is still fever free and feeling up to it we might go down. I think he would like that. The only bad thing is that he has to leave his mask on when he leaves the floor, because you never know if someone is going to sneeze! Hopefully he'll be feeling good.

Those are it for updates right now. Things are looking good all the way around. Please keep praying that he stays healthy and we are able to stay home more this time around. And please also pray that he handles the Erwinia well, with no reactions. Starting those again, every other day always has that risk. And he really needs to have all the chemo's on the protocol so lets keep praying that his body handles it all well.

Thanks for the love, support and prayers!

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