Thursday, November 27, 2008

Didn't Make Counts

So sorry for the lack of updates, but I am still experiencing some computer issues, and it has been pretty crazy here. Donavynn just got his last Erwinia shot for awhile on Monday, so we were up in the city just about every other day since we got out of the hospital. Donavynn has been doing really good. He has been as active as ever and even went to visit his friends in school this week. His friend Jacob was very sad that he couldn't stay. But hopefully they will be able to have a play date soon when his counts are good again and we aren't in the hospital. He was supposed to start his HD Methotrexate yesterday but we got all the way up there and he didn't make counts. The good thing is that we get an extra week at home. I'm trying to see the upside. The only bad thing is that it delays everything and now if there aren't anymore in the next few weeks he'll have to spend Christmas in the hospital instead of Thanksgiving. But we'll see what happens. Either way, I know that he'll have fun. We did our Thanksgiving on Monday, since we thought we were going to be at Mercy today, so today we just had some lasagna. But at least we were all together. Donavynn's grandparents from NY have been in town this week. And it was the first holiday that both my and Dave's family were together. It was really nice.

I even got a little break last weekend. My dad babysat so that my mom, Rachael and I could go see Twilight. Boy, was that well worth the wait! I loved getting out of the house for awhile and not having to worry and we all loved the movie, after going crazy over the books. I'm telling you, it is an obsession! lol

So it seems that at least for now, things have settled down here for awhile. We are praying that it stays that way, but are thankful for everyday that it is. I'm just about done with school for the semester so that will help with the stress level for a little while as well. Then it is just one more year! It seems like it is so far away, but I know that it will just zip on by. Just as this year has. I can't believe that Donavynn is almost 5, and that Cheyenne is almost 11. We have had a rough year, but are so thankful for all the positives that were mixed in with the bumps. So please continue to pray that all goes well. And that he'll make counts next week, as well as that he won't develop any mouth sores from the Methotrexate. Many children do get them, and they are a concern because the mouth is full of bacteria. I am sorry if this is disorganized. It has been a long week and I'm really tired. I will try to update again when I have some free time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there sweetie, we are all pulling for you and will do whatever is necessary to get you all through this.

Love Dad

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