Thursday, November 13, 2008

What A Difference Being Home Makes!

Today has just been great. Donavynn danced for the first time in probably two months, was singing, playing the Wii and he even jumped. He ate a little today too, a package of poptarts and a yogurt. It isn't much but it is something. And he even chose the yogurt over fries, so I was pretty impressed with that. He isn't really looking forward to going back up tomorrow and honestly neither am I. But then we'll have the weekend off, as long as all goes well. He has only had one accident today which is pretty impressive, I wasn't sure how he would do. And his bottom is continuing to heal very well. One day at a time, we are just so happy to see him being his normal, happy self. That is about all there is going on right now. Great day with the family, still pretty drained. But boy did we all sleep well last night. To be home, all of us together, sleeping in our own beds! I'll try to update again tomorrow after we get home from clinic. Have a great night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that the road isn't so bumpy and that he got to come home for a little while.. I'm always praying! Please give him kisses and a cuddle from me...

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